Hal International

Call us : Hal

A superior service that matches our customers' unique needs, specifications, timelines, and deliverables.

What We Do

We offer a range of services. From supplying essential equipment and materials to managing procurement processes and offering outsourcing solutions. Whether it's sourcing specialized components or handling non-core functions, we are committed to delivering exceptional value and driving growth for our partners.

Who we are

At our core, HAL drives innovation and excellence in the oil and gas industry through strategic partnerships.Ask us for any part you require, and we work with OEM brands.

Partner with Us

We connect leading brands with growth opportunities while providing immediate product solutions. Contact us to explore partnerships or fulfill your needs.

Call us Now: +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077
[email protected]

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022

We are committed to "do the right thing" always. We place great value on our ability to make decisions.

Report a problem or any action or behavior that, in your opinion, is contrary to Hal International LLC Code of Ethics and Conduct:

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022

This is a confidential channel to ask questions or file complaints about possible breaches of the Hal International LLC Code of Ethics and Conduct, with complete confidence and without fear of possible reprisals

Report a problem or any action or behavior that, in your opinion, is contrary to Hal International LLC Code of Ethics and Conduct:

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022

About Us

Hello. Welcome to Hal. So glad you’re here.

We founded Hal International back in 2017. We have gained our experience working in larges companies in the Oil & Gas industry, but now we’re helping clients like you, to have a better and efficient procurement process.Our knowledge in engineering and experience in the field, gives us an advantaged at the time to acknowledge your requirements, giving you alternatives and reduction in prices. This is possible with our big database of suppliers, goods and understanding.

The Team

Hal International


Kind and good girl whose expertise guide us through the process of buying and selling.

Hal International


Determined and hardworking man who supports us with his experiences in the field and with his engineering knowledge.

Hal International


Our high energetic colleague who is in charge of our warehouse and shipping process. Nothing ever escapes his sight.

Llámanos : +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077
[email protected]

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022

Hal International

Llámanos : Hal

Un servicio superior que se adapta a las necesidades, especificaciones, plazos y entregables de nuestros clientes.

Que Hacemos

Ofrecemos una gama de servicios. Desde el suministro de equipos y materiales, hasta la gestión de procesos de adquisiciones y la oferta de soluciones de subcontratación. Ya sea que se trate de adquirir componentes especializados o manejar funciones no esenciales, estamos comprometidos a ofrecer un valor excepcional e impulsar el crecimiento de nuestros socios.

Quienes somos

En esencia, HAL impulsa la innovación y la excelencia en la industria del petróleo y el gas a través de asociaciones estratégicas.
Consúltanos cualquier pieza que necesites y trabajamos con marcas OEM.

Llámanos : +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077
[email protected]

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022



Estamos encantados de responder a sus preguntas. ¡Respondemos a la mayoría de las consultas en 24 horas!

La mayor parte de nuestro negocio se realiza a través de correo electrónico. Pero sabemos que a veces solo necesitas hablar con una persona real. Ya sea que desee llamarnos o enviarnos un correo electrónico, nuestro personal de servicio al cliente está disponible de lunes a viernes.Si necesita ayuda en español, también puede comunicarse con nosotros. Gracias.Teléfono (281) 624-5080

[email protected]

Llámanos : +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077
[email protected]

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022


Contact Us

We’re happy to answer your questions. We respond to most inquiries within 24 hours!

Most of our business happens through email. But, we know sometimes you just need to talk to a real person. Whether you want to call us or email us, our customer service staff is available Monday through Friday.

[email protected]

Call us Now: +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077

Phone: +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077
[email protected]

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022



We are actively pursuing partnerships that drive mutual success. As we endeavor to expand our representation portfolio, we welcome the opportunity to establish strong, value-driven relationships with reputable brands.

In the meantime, if you're in need of specific products or services, we're here to assist. Our dedicated team can help fulfill your requirements while we work towards establishing partnerships.Contact us today for any immediate needs or inquiries.

Phone: +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077
[email protected]

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022


Procurement Solutions

Our procurement solutions are designed to simplify and optimize your sourcing processes. With our extensive network of suppliers, rigorous quality control measures, and strategic sourcing strategies, we ensure timely delivery of high-quality products at competitive prices. Whether it's sourcing raw materials, equipment, or specialized components, count on us to meet your procurement needs effectively

Purchase Request Management

Submitting purchase requests can be a tedious process, but with our purchase request management service, it's effortless. Simply submit your purchase requirements, and our expert team will handle the sourcing, negotiation, and procurement on your behalf. From initial request to final delivery, we ensure transparency, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness every step of the way, allowing you to focus on your core business priorities

Outsourcing Services

Outsourcing your non-core functions to us allows you to focus on your core business activities while we handle the rest. Our outsourcing services cover a wide range of tasks and processes, including procurement, logistics, administrative functions, and more. Benefit from our expertise, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness as we streamline your operations and drive business growth together

Industrial Supply for the Oil and Gas Industry

Our industrial supply service caters specifically to the oil and gas industry, providing a comprehensive range of equipment, tools, and materials essential for operations. From pipelines to valves, safety gear to instrumentation, we offer high-quality products tailored to meet the unique demands of the sector. Trust us to be your reliable partner in ensuring seamless supply chain management and operational efficiency.

Phone: +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077
[email protected]

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022

Conduct & Policies

In this section, you'll find our established guidelines and rules that govern behavior and procedures within our organization. From ethical standards to workplace conduct and safety protocols, these policies ensure a fair, respectful, and compliant environment for all stakeholders. Explore our commitment to integrity and excellence through our conduct and policies

Phone: +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077
[email protected]

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022



Buscamos activamente asociaciones que impulsen el éxito mutuo. A medida que nos esforzamos por ampliar nuestra cartera de representación, agradecemos la oportunidad de establecer relaciones sólidas y basadas en valores con marcas reconocidas.

Mientras tanto, si necesita productos o servicios específicos, estamos aquí para ayudarlo. Nuestro equipo dedicado puede ayudarlo a cumplir con sus requisitos mientras trabajamos para establecer asociaciones.Contáctenos hoy para cualquier necesidad o consulta inmediata.

Phone: +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077
[email protected]

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022


Soluciones de adquisiciones

Nuestras soluciones de adquisiciones están diseñadas para simplificar y optimizar sus procesos de abastecimiento. Con nuestra amplia red de proveedores, rigurosas medidas de control de calidad y estrategias de abastecimiento estratégico, garantizamos la entrega oportuna de productos de alta calidad a precios competitivos. Ya sea que se trate de obtener materias primas, equipos o componentes especializados, cuente con nosotros para satisfacer sus necesidades de adquisición de manera efectiva.

Gestión de solicitudes de compra

Enviar solicitudes de compra puede ser un proceso tedioso, pero con nuestro servicio de gestión de solicitudes de compra, es muy sencillo. Simplemente envíe sus requisitos de compra y nuestro equipo de expertos se encargará del abastecimiento, la negociación y la adquisición en su nombre. Desde la solicitud inicial hasta la entrega final, garantizamos transparencia, eficiencia y rentabilidad en cada paso del camino, permitiéndole centrarse en sus principales prioridades comerciales.

Servicios de subcontratación

Subcontratarnos para sus funciones no esenciales, que le permitiran concentrarse en sus actividades comerciales principales mientras nosotros nos encargamos del resto. Nuestros servicios cubren una amplia gama de tareas y procesos, incluidas adquisiciones, logística, funciones administrativas y más. Benefíciese de nuestra experiencia, eficiencia y rentabilidad mientras optimizamos sus operaciones e impulsamos el crecimiento empresarial juntos.

Suministro Industrial para la Industria del Petróleo y Gas

Nuestro servicio de suministro industrial atiende específicamente a la industria del petróleo y el gas, proporcionando una amplia gama de equipos, herramientas y materiales esenciales para las operaciones. Desde tuberías hasta válvulas, desde equipos de seguridad hasta instrumentación, ofrecemos productos de alta calidad diseñados para satisfacer las demandas únicas del sector. Confíe en nosotros como su socio confiable para garantizar una gestión perfecta de la cadena de suministro y eficiencia operativa.

Phone: +1 281 624 5080
11807 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77077
[email protected]

HAL INTERNATIONAL LLC . All rights reserved 2022